Health Insurance Glossary W

Waiting Period

A period of time when the health plan does not cover a person for a particular health problem.

Well-Baby Care

Preventative health services, including immunizations, for young children within an age range specified by the health plan.

Warts and verrucas

Bumpy skin? Warts and verrucas are small, rough growths that can appear anywhere on your skin. While most commonly called "warts" on hands and fingers, they're called "verrucas" when they appear on the soles of your feet. These are quite common, especially among school-aged children and teenagers.

Whooping cough

Be aware of whooping cough (pertussis), a bacterial infection causing severe coughing episodes that can linger for weeks or months. It's highly contagious, but you can significantly reduce your risk by getting vaccinated.

Womb cancer

Around 9,700 people in the UK are diagnosed with womb cancer (uterine cancer) each year. This type of cancer occurs when cells in the womb (uterus) – the place where a baby grows during pregnancy – start to grow abnormally and uncontrollably, forming a mass called a tumor. What this means: Early detection is crucial. If you have any concerns about your uterine health, talk to your doctor.

Wrinkle treatments

Wrinkles - those telltale lines on your skin - develop naturally as we age. Frown lines, crow's feet, they're all part of the story etched on your face. While wrinkles are harmless, some choose to explore treatments that promote a more youthful appearance.

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